From 8:30 am until 2:30 pm
Educators Training Institute - Boys & Girls Club of Lodi
460 Passaic Avenue, Lodi, NJ 07644
Jamie Edward Ciofalo
FREE for HIBster users; $150/person for non-HIBster users
Federal and New Jersey Laws Against Discrimination overlap with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Students who belong to a protected class are at a higher risk of being the target of harassment, intimidation and bullying. As members of a protected class, acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying against these students may qualify as a violation of their civil rights, thus opening the district to potentially damaging litigation and discipline from the United States and New Jersey Departments of Education.
5 Professional Development Hours
Federal and New Jersey Laws Against Discrimination overlap with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Students who belong to a protected class are at a higher risk of being the target of harassment, intimidation and bullying. As members of a protected class, acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying against these students may qualify as a violation of their civil rights, thus opening the district to potentially damaging litigation and discipline from the United States and New Jersey Departments of Education.
This training is a must for all school administrators, school counselors, child study team members, affirmative action coordinators, and anti-bullying staff.
This training includes the following:
- Purpose for Law in Society
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and Americans with Disabilities Act
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and Section 504
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and English Language Learners
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and New Jersey Law Against Discrimination
- Founding Purpose of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR)
- Identification of HIB, Affirmative Action, Code of Conduct Behaviors
- Educators Must Protect students from Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Discrimination, Self-Harm and Suicide
- Protect students from Hostile Educational Environment
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
- Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and Student Discipline, Removal or Change of Placement of Protected Students