Document Automation
Paperwork is a necessary but often daunting task for school administrators, especially when anti-bullying laws are considered. Luckily, HIBster provides a way for users to auto-populate State documents.
In the Incident Manager under the Correspondence tab, a user can choose from a list of documents. The document they click will download in their browser and will automatically include the appropriate data from the incident at hand.
Each time a user generates one of these documents, a date and time stamp is listed underneath its link as well as the username of the person who generated it. This deters other users from accidentally creating and sending the same document, and it makes sure users use an updated version.

HIBster provides templates for other types of documents as well. These are not pre-populated, however, but provided for users who do not want to auto-populate.
The goal of automation features and templates is to save administrators and staff the extra time that they would have spent tediously filling out paperwork. Like reports, HIBster also sends these documents directly to the state. Again, saving the trouble of envelopes, postage, and delayed mail delivery and ensuring these important forms are sent out promptly.