Administrative Assistants, Paraprofessionals, Custodial, Maintenance, & Transportation Staff
Each course is divided into easy to manage micro-chapters that can be completed over multiple sessions. This provides educators with the flexibility to complete assigned courses over time in a highly efficient manner. Participants are not required to sit for hours at a time in front of a computer screen to meet their professional requirements. Some course chapters are as low five minutes in length, which delivers the overall content in more easily digestible portions.
PD3 | Support Staff Course List
Title | Description |
NJ Child Sex Trafficking | FBI Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Forces operate within nearly every FBI field office to collaborate with state and local law enforcement agencies in combating human trafficking. The ultimate goal of these task forces is to recover victims and investigate traffickers at the state and federal level. This course is designed to enable educators to develop a greater awareness of the common warning signs of Child Sex Trafficking. |
NJ | Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Safety Training | Athletic Trainers | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement for Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Safety Training Program for Athletic Trainers and Athletic Training Staff. As per N.J.S.A.18A:40-41.2 all public school district or nonpublic school interscholastic sport or cheerleading program athletic trainers are required to complete training in head injury prevention and management. Sources: Public Domain, https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/ and www.nih.gov |
NJ | Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Safety Training | Coaches | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement for Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Safety Training Program for coaches. As per N.J.S.A.18A:40-41.2 all public school district or nonpublic school interscholastic sport or cheerleading program coaches are required to complete training in head injury prevention and management. Source: Public Domain, https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/ |
NJ | Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Safety Training | Team Physicians | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement for Interscholastic Athletic Head Injury Safety Training Program for School Physicians and Medical Staff. As per N.J.S.A.18A:40-41.2 all public school district or nonpublic school interscholastic sport or cheerleading program school physicians are required to complete training in head injury prevention and management. Sources: Public Domain, https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/ and www.nih.gov |
NJ | Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment | Team Physicians | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement for Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment Professional Development for School Physicians and Medical Staff. As per N.J.S.A.18A:40-1.1 all public school district or nonpublic school interscholastic sport or cheerleading program school physicians are required to complete training in Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment. Source: https://www.nj.gov/education/students/safety/health/services/PDModule.shtml |
NJ Adolescent Development for School Employees | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education requirement regarding human growth and development; substance abuse and dependency; and human and intercultural relations; and formal inclusion into each endorsement holder’s PD plan. Source: HHS.gov Office of Adolescent Health. |
NJ Adolescent Substance Use, Addiction, and Treatment | The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health, in collaboration with the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs and Boston University School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and Medical Director of the addiction treatment clinic for teens and young adults at Boston Medical Center Sarah Bagley, developed a video about addressing substance use and addiction in adolescents and young adults and the most effective approaches to treating addiction, including opioid addiction. Adolescence and young adulthood is a time when many people begin experimenting with alcohol and/or drugs. Although this experimentation does not always lead to addiction, most adults who have a substance use disorder started using before age 18 and develop the disorder by age 20. Public Domain Source: https://youth.gov/ |
NJ Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention and Intervention | This course is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement: NJ Recognition of Substance Abuse: N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-15, N.J.A.C. 6A:16- 3.1(a)(4) for district boards of education to ensure all education staff members receive instruction for the identification of symptoms and behavioral patterns; appropriate intervention strategies; and the prevention, early intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals who show symptoms of substance abuse. |
NJ Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act Review and Remediation for Staff | This training enables the district board of education to provide staff with remedial training to Public School Teachers, School Employees, Volunteers with student contact, and Contracted Service Providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of HIB. |
NJ Asthma Training | This training is designed to meet the requirement for the New Jersey Department of Education requirement: N.J.S.A.18A:40-12.9 to assure that annual asthma education opportunities are made available for school physicians and all teaching staff. |
NJ Bloodborne Pathogen Training | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement for staff designated as at-risk of exposure under the district’s Exposure Control Plan require training and schools must also identify students at risk of exposure due to occupational training programs and provide equivalent training. N.J.S.A. 34:6A-25 et seq |
NJ Communicable Diseases | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement N.J.S.A. 18A:40-3, N.J.A.C. 6A:16- 2.3(b)(xv) for a medical inspector or nurse to lecture teachers concerning the methods employed to detect the first signs of communicable disease and the recognized measures for the promotion of health and the prevention of disease. Source: www.cdc.gov |
NJ Equity and Affirmative Action | This course is designed to meet the New Jersey requirement N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.6: for all district boards of education to provide training for all school personnel on a continuing basis to identify and resolve problems associated with the student achievement gap and other inequities arising from prejudice on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability or socioeconomic status. |
NJ Erin’s Law | Child Sexual Abuse Prevention | This course is designed to meet the training requirements for school staff regarding Erin’s Law | Child Sexual Abuse Prevention. |
NJ General Right to Know for School Employees | The New Jersey Worker and Community Right to Know Act requires public and private employers to provide information about hazardous substances at their workplaces. The Act: Informs public employees about chemical hazards at their workplace so they can work safely with these hazardous substances; Helps firefighters, police, and other emergency responders adequately plan for and respond to incidents such as fires, explosions or spills; Provides data for monitoring and tracking hazardous substances in the workplace and the environment. This course is designed to enable school employees to develop a greater awareness of general hazards in the school environment. |
NJ Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying (Staff, Volunteers & Contracted Service Providers) | This training fulfills the district board of education’s requirement N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17b and c., N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7.: to review the training needs of district staff for the effective implementation of the HIB policies, procedures, programs, and initiatives and to implement locally determined staff training programs for Public School Teachers, School Employees, Volunteers with student contact, and Contracted service providers. |
NJ HIB and Hazing for Athletics Directors & Coaches | This training is designed in support of the New Jersey Department Education Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17b and c., N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 in regard to HIB & Hazing for Athletics Directors & Coaches. |
NJ Human Trafficking Awareness of Educators | Human trafficking is modern slavery. It involves exploiting a person through force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of forced labor, commercial sex, or both. Victims of human trafficking include men, women, boys, girls, and transgender individuals lured by the promise of a better life in the United States and adults and children who were born and raised in the United States. Schools can and should be safe havens for students, and even more so for some students whose lives are otherwise characterized by instability and lack of safety or security. In these cases, school personnel are uniquely well positioned to identify and report suspected abuse and connect students to services—actions that can prevent trafficking and even save lives. Everyone who is part of the school community—administrators, teachers, bus drivers, maintenance personnel, food service staff, resource officers, and other school community members—has the potential to be an advocate for child victims of human trafficking, but, first, school community members must learn the indicators of the crime, its warning signs, and how to respond when a student is an apparent victim. |
NJ IPM for School Cafeteria Staff | This course contains 3 hours of IPM training content for school cafeteria staff made available courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency. |
NJ IPM for School Custodians and Maintenance Staff | This course contains 17 hours of IPM training content for School Custodians and Maintenance Staff made available courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency. |
NJ IPM for School Grounds Staff | This course contains 7.5 hours of IPM training content for School Grounds Staff made available courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency. |
NJ Potentially Missing, Abused or Neglected Children | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education requirement N.J.S.A. 18A:36-25, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-11 on procedures for the early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children through notification of, reporting to, and cooperation with the appropriate law enforcement and child welfare authorities. |
NJ Preschool | Behavior Management | This training is designed to support Early Childhood Education administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants. This training focuses on Behavior Management and includes Behavior Has Meaning, Redirecting Behaviors, Stating Behavioral Expectations, and Following Children’s Lead. N.J.A.C.6A:13A-3.1(c)8. All content is made available through the Public Domain. Source: The Office of Head Start, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/teaching-practices |
NJ Preschool | Building Relationships | This training is designed to support Early Childhood Education administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants. This training focuses on Building Relationships and includes Being Aware of Children’s Needs and Creating a Caring Community. N.J.A.C.6A:13A-3.1(c)8. All content is made available through the Public Domain. Source: The Office of Head Start, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/teaching-practices |
NJ Preschool | Classroom Management | This training is designed to support Early Childhood Education administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants. This training focuses on Classroom Management and includes Creating Classroom Rules, Schedules & Routines, and Giving Children Responsibilities. N.J.A.C.6A:13A-3.1(c)8. All content is made available through the Public Domain. Source: The Office of Head Start, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/teaching-practices |
NJ Preschool | Instructional Best Practices | This training is designed to support Early Childhood Education administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants. This training focuses on Instructional Best Practices and includes Making Learning Meaningful, Materials to Support Learning, Fostering Thinking Skills, Zoning to Maximize Learning, Scaffolding Learning, Using the Scientific Method, Providing Feedback to Children, Focusing Children on Learning Goals, and Materials to Support Learning. N.J.A.C.6A:13A-3.1(c)8. All content is made available through the Public Domain. Source: The Office of Head Start, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/teaching-practices |
NJ Preschool | Language Modeling | This training is designed to support Early Childhood Education administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants. This training focuses on Language Modeling and includes Language Modeling & Conversations, Asking Questions, and Engaging Children in Conversations, and Teaching Novel Words. N.J.A.C.6A:13A-3.1(c)8. All content is made available through the Public Domain. Source: The Office of Head Start, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/teaching-practices |
NJ Preschool | Staff Wellness & Effective Teaching | This training is designed to support Early Childhood Education administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants. This training focuses on Language Modeling and includes Language Modeling & Conversations, Asking Questions, and Engaging Children in Conversations. N.J.A.C.6A:13A-3.1(c)8. All content is made available through the Public Domain. Source: The Office of Head Start, https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/teaching-practices |
NJ Principal Evaluation and the NJPEPL Process | This training is designed to support the district’s requirement to provide training on the teacher and principal practice instruments for any supervisor who will conduct observations for the purpose of evaluation of teachers, principals, assistant principals, or vice principals. N.J.A.C. 6A:10- 2.2(b)2,3. |
NJ Principles of Violence Prevention | Principles of Prevention is designed for those working to stop violence from ever happening. It helps professionals move from the problem to the solution. This course teaches the fundamentals of effective violence prevention methods and incorporates the growing body of research on what works. The Principles of Prevention course includes Interviews with leading experts in the field, Dynamic graphics, Interactive exercises, and Compelling storytelling that makes the case for violence prevention. |
NJ Protecting Students with Special Needs from HIB | The objective of this course is to develop a greater awareness of The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act in regard to the civil rights of HIB aggressors and targets. N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17b and c., N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 |
NJ Risk Factors for Adolescent Substance Use | NJ Risk Factors for Adolescent Substance Use N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-3, 15, N.J.A.C. 6A:16- 3.1(a)4: District boards of education must ensure all education staff members receive in-service training in alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse prevention and intervention. |
NJ School Bus Safety Training | School buses are the safest way for children to get to and from school. This training is designed to develop a greater awareness of best practices for school transportation safety. This training is designed to serve as a supplemental training resource. This training shall not serve as the sole source of school bus staff safety training. School districts should ensure that their school bus staff receive training in compliance with local state and school district policies and procedures. This training is made available from the Kent School District, Kent, WA through the Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed). |
NJ School Bus Staff 4Ps to Success | School buses are the safest way for children to get to and from school. This training is designed to develop a greater awareness of best practices for school bus staff professionalism. This training is designed to serve as a supplemental training resource. This training shall not serve as the sole source of school bus staff safety training. School districts should ensure that their school bus staff receive training in compliance with local state and school district policies and procedures. |
NJ School Bus Staff Special Education Training | This training is designed to enable NJ school bus staff to develop a greater awareness of the unique needs of special education students and how to support their needs while transporting them to and from school. |
NJ School Nurse Delegate for Glucagon | This training is designed to serve as a supplemental resource to assist the School Nurse to train Delegates for Glucagon as per N.J.S.A.18A:40-12.14,N.J.A.C.6A:16-2.3(b)3vii. The school nurse or other qualified health care professional must train school district employees who volunteer to administer glucagon to a student with diabetes who is experiencing severe hypoglycemia when the school nurse is not physically present. |
NJ School Safety for Administrators | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education in-service training program requirement N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.1(d) to enable employees to recognize and appropriately respond to safety and security concerns, including emergencies and crises, consistent with the district board of education’s plans procedures and mechanisms for school safety and security. |
NJ School Safety for Staff | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education in-service training program requirement N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.1(d) to enable employees to recognize and appropriately respond to safety and security concerns, including emergencies and crises, consistent with the district board of education’s plans procedures and mechanisms for school safety and security. |
NJ Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Educators | This training is designed to meet the NJ Department of Education requirement for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Educators: N.J.A.C. 6A:7-1.6 as it relates to Equity and Affirmative Action. |
NJ SMART | This training is designed to support the school district’s requirement as per N.J.A.C. 6A:13-2.1(d)3, to ensure that teachers, school administrators and central office supervisors receive training in NJ SMART and its data query resources. All content is provided directly from NJ SMART. |
NJ SSDS Reporting | Incident Reporting of Violence, Vandalism and Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse: The chief school administrator must provide for the annual training of staff to prepare them to fulfill the reporting of weapons possession, violence, vandalism, alcohol, and drug abuse.N.J.S.A. 18A:17-46, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.3 (d)2 |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | Age | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | Disabling Conditions | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | National Origin | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | Poverty | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | Race, Color & Ethnicity | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | Sex & Gender | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Staff Sensitivity Training | Sexual Orientation | This training enables the district board of education to provide sensitivity training to public school teachers, school employees, volunteers with student contact, and contracted service providers who have been identified as the alleged actors of insensitive behavior. |
NJ Student Code of Conduct | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education requirement N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1(a)4 for district boards of education provide all employees training on the code of student conduct, including training on the prevention, intervention, and remediation of student conduct in violation of the board of education’s code of student conduct. |
NJ Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional Training | This training is designed specifically for NJ Substitute Teachers or Paraprofessionals. The following topics are included in this 85-minute course: P7 Method for Success as a Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional; Bullying Prevention for Substitute Teachers or Paraprofessionals; Effective Classroom Management for Substitute Teachers or Paraprofessionals; Equity and Affirmative Action for Substitute Teachers and Paraprofessionals; Child Abuse & Neglect for Substitute Teachers and Paraprofessionals; and School Safety & Security for Substitute Teachers and Paraprofessionals |
NJ Suicide & HIB Prevention Training for Educators (2 hours) | This training is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education requirement, N.J.S.A. 18A:6-112, for Suicide Prevention for Teaching Staff Members (Similar to “school staff,” a member of the professional staff of any board of education who holds a valid and effective standard, provisional or emergency certificate, including teachers, administrators, school nurse, and school athletic trainer. N.J.S.A. 18A:1-1.). |
NJ Teen Dating Violence | This training is designed to meet the NJ Department of Education requirement for Teen Dating Violence: N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.23a, 18A:37-33, for school staff to develop a greater awareness of the signs and symptoms of teen dating violence and of the best practices for effective intervention and reporting of suspected acts of teen dating abuse and violence. |
NJ Title IX | Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” |
NJ Training of Delegates for Epinephrine Administration | This training is designed to serve as a supplemental resource to assist the certified school nurse in consultation with the board of education, or the chief school administrator of a nonpublic school, to train volunteer designees who are determined acceptable candidates by the school nurse within each school building as per N.J.S.A.18A:40-12.6(c), N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3(b)3vii. This training does not serve as the sole source of training. |