From 8.30 am until 2.30 pm
Educators Training Institute
460 Passaic Avenue, Lodi, NJ 07644
$150 per person ($99 for HIBster users)
Professional Development Hours: 5. Far too many investigations of harassment, intimidation and bullying result are not paired with documented remedial measures. Schools that fail to develop and implement best practice intervention plans for HIB aggressors and targets place themselves at an increased risk for litigation. This training is a must for school counselors, child study team members, anti-bullying specialists, anti-bullying coordinators and administrators.
The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act require all public schools to provide all students with the opportunity to receive instruction in an environment free of harassment, intimidation, bullying and discrimination. Additionally, any bullying of a student with a disability that results in the student not receiving meaningful educational benefit from the special education and related services provided by the school is a denial of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). HIB Aggressors and Targets are often identified and “processed” through the investigative process with no meaningful remedial measures developed or implemented to correct and prevent the problematic behaviors associated with the investigation.
This is a highly engaging, interactive, hands-on workshop that is designed by an educator for educators. This training is a must for Anti-Bullying Coordinators, Specialists, School Counselors, SACs, School Social Workers, Psychologists, SACs, and Administrators. All participants shall be awarded a Certificate of Completion for five (5) hours of professional development.
This training includes the following:
- Review of the ABR Definition of HIB Behaviors
- Types of Bullying Behaviors
- Identification and Labeling of Problematic Behaviors; Not Labeling Students
- New Jersey Law Against Discrimination and its Implications on Rights of HIB Aggressors ad Targets to be protected from acts of discrimination
- Section 504 and its Implications on Rights of HIB Aggressors and Targets
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and its Implications on Rights of HIB Aggressors and Targets
- Comprehensive Review of Punishment versus Remediation of Problematic Behaviors
- New Jersey Administrative Code requirements for Intervention and Referral Services
- Utilization of the Intervention and Referral Services to develop Targeted Safety Plans for HIB Targets
- Utilization of the Intervention and Referral Services to develop Targeted Intervention Plans for HIB Aggressors