District Professional Development
10 hours for $2,000
Onspire PD3 subscribers qualify to receive 10 hours of remote Team HIBster services (professional development, program development, and parent programs) for $2,000.00 per year. This represents a savings of $450.00.
All Professional Development Sessions are Remote Only
2.5 hours per session
One session per day
5-hour titles are provided as two separate 2.5-hour sessions on two separate days.
Custom content is available by special request.
HIBster, HIBsterVention, aSAP, and Onspire subscribers always receive our lowest hourly rate.
NJ Department of Education Required Professional Development
Title | Hours | N.J.A.C / N.J.S.A |
Reading Disabilities | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:6-131 |
Suicide Prevention | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:6-112 |
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act for School Staff, Contracted Service Providers, and Volunteers | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17b and c., N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 |
Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act for District and School Administrators | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17b and c., N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 |
Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act for Board of Education Trustees | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17b and c., N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 |
HIB School Safety Team Training | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:37-21(b) & (d) |
Equity and Affirmative Action | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:7- 1.6 |
I&RS Referral | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8.2(a)4 |
Recognition of Substance Abuse | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-15, N.J.A.C. 6A:16- 3.1(a)(4) |
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention and Intervention | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-3, 15, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-3.1(a)4 |
Potentially Missing/Abused Children Reporting (DCP&P) | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:36-25, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-11 |
General School Safety Training | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.1(d) |
Code of Student Conduct | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1(a)4 |
Law Enforcement Operations | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:16-6.2(b)12 |
Mandatory Gang Awareness Training for School Administrators | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 52:17B-4.7 |
Ethics, Law, Governance, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:26-8.2, N.J.A.C. 6A:9C-4.3(a)5 |
Special Education Training | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:14- 1.2(b)14 |
Preschool Training | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:13A- 3.1(c)8 |
Educator Evaluation Training | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:6-123(b)(10), N.J.A.C. 6A:10-2.2(b)(1) |
Incident Reporting of Violence, Vandalism, and Alcohol, and Other Drug Abuse (NJ Homeroom SSDS) | 2.5 | N.J.S.A. 18A:17-46, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.3 (d)2 |
NJ SMART Submissions | 2.5 | N.J.A.C. 6A:13-2.1(d)3 |
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Training for Staff, Contracted Service Providers, and Volunteers
Title | Hours |
HIB, Conflict or Neither? | 2.5 |
Best Practices for the Mandated Reporting of Suspected Acts of HIB | 2.5 |
Identification of HIB Protected Categories | 2.5 |
Identification of HIB Other Distinguishing Characteristics | 2.5 |
Cyberbullying Awareness | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Classroom HIB Prevention Programs | 2.5 |
HIB and Hazing Prevention for Athletics and Extracurricular Programs | 2.5 |
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Training for Antibullying Coordinators
Title | Hours |
Anti-bullying Coordinator Certification Training | 5 |
Anti-bullying Coordinator Certification Refresher Training | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Managing the District’s Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act Program | 2.5 |
Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act District Self-Assessment Data Collection and Submission | 2.5 |
Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act District Bi-annual HIB-ITP Data Collection and Submission | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing District HIB Prevention Programs | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Conducting Effective and Compliant HIB Investigations of Staff | 2.5 |
Corrective Action Plan and Remediation for Staff Accused of HIB | 2.5 |
Best Practices for HIB Aggressor Remediation Plan Development and Implementation | 2.5 |
Best Practices for HIB Target Safety Plan Development and Implementation | 2.5 |
FERPA Compliant Management of District HIB Records | 2.5 |
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Training for Antibullying Specialists and School Safety / Climate Teams
Title | Hours |
Anti-bullying Specialist Certification Training | 5 |
Anti-bullying Specialist Certification Refresher Training | 2.5 |
Anti-bullying School Safety & Climate Team Certification Training | 5 |
Anti-bullying School Safety & Climate Team Certification Refresher Training | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Managing the School’s Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act Program | 2.5 |
Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act School Self-Assessment Data Collection and Submission | 2.5 |
Anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act School Bi-annual HIB-ITP Data Collection and Submission | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing School HIB Prevention Programs | 2.5 |
Conducting Effective and FERPA Compliant HIB Investigations | 2.5 |
FERPA Compliant Management of School HIB Records | 2.5 |
Best Practices for HIB Aggressor Remediation Plan Development and Implementation | 2.5 |
Best Practices for HIB Target Safety Plan Development and Implementation | 2.5 |
A Practical Guide to Developing and Maintaining Positive School Culture and Climate | 2.5 |
Section 504 Training for All Staff
Title | Hours |
Introduction to Section 504 for All Staff | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Section 504 Case Management from Referral to Reevaluation | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Implementing Effective and Compliant Section 504 Plans | 2.5 |
Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Participation in Athletics and Extracurricular Activities for Students with Section 504 Plans | 2.5 |
Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Participation in G&T, Honors, and AP Programs for Students with Section 504 Plans | 2.5 |
Section 504 Training for District and School Coordinators
Title | Hours |
Section 504 Certification Training for District and School Coordinators | 5 |
Section 504 Certification Refresher Training for District and School Coordinators | 2.5 |
Best Practices for District and School Section 504 Program Development and Implementation | 5 |
Creating Inclusive Policies and Programs for Students with Section 504 Plans | 2.5 |
Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Participation in Athletics and Extracurricular Activities for Students with Section 504 Plans | 2.5 |
Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Participation in G&T, Honors, and AP Programs for Students with Section 504 Plans | 2.5 |
Training for Child Study Team Directors, Supervisors, Coordinators, and Case Managers
Title | Hours |
Child Study Team Management Certification Training for New Directors, Supervisors, and Coordinators | 5 |
Child Study Team Management Certification Refresher Training for New Directors, Supervisors, and Coordinators | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Child Find Procedures | 2.5 |
Creating Inclusive Policies and Programs for Students with IEPs | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Least Restrictive Environment Programs | 2.5 |
Protecting the Rights of Students with Disabilities from Discriminatory Suspensions & Expulsions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Conducting Compliant and Effective IEP Meetings | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Facilitating Student-led IEPs | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing Data-driven IEP Accommodations & Modifications | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing Data-driven IEP Goals and Objectives | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Intervention and Referral Plan Development for Students with Disabilities | 2.5 |
Transition Planning for Students with Special Needs | 2.5 |
Special Education (IDEA) Training for All Staff
Title | Hours |
A Comprehensive Review of the IDEA’s Disability Categories for General and Special Education Staff | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Effective Co-teaching for General and Special Education Staff | 5 |
Best Practices for Implementing IEPs in the General Education Setting | 2.5 |
Best Practices for 1:1 Paraprofessionals | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Resource Room and General Education Classroom Paraprofessionals | 2.5 |
Affirmative Action Training for All Staff
Title | Hours |
The NJ Law Against Discrimination for All Staff | 2.5 |
Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention for All Staff | 2.5 |
Developing and Maintaining an Equitable and Non-discriminatory Environment for Students (Academic, Athletics, and Extracurricular) | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Identifying and Reporting Suspected Acts of Discriminatory Behavior and Policies | 2.5 |
Title IX Compliance for All Staff | 2.5 |
Contributing to an Equitable and Civil Workplace for All Staff | 2.5 |
Staff Affirmative Action Remediation Training | 2.5 |
Affirmative Action Training for District and School Officers
Title | Hours |
Affirmative Action Officer Certification Training | 5 |
Affirmative Action Officer Certification Refresher Training | 2.5 |
The NJ Law Against Discrimination for Affirmative Action Officers | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Annual Comprehensive Equity Plans | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Ensuring Title IX Compliance | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Maintaining an Equitable and Civil Workplace | 2.5 |
Response to Intervention (RtI) Training for All Staff
Title | Hours |
General RtI Training for All Staff | 2.5 |
Best Practices for RtI Classroom and Individual Student Data Collection and Analysis | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Making RtI Classroom and Individual Student Data-driven Decisions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Implementing Effective Tier 1 Interventions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Implementing Effective Tier 2 Interventions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Implementing Effective Tier 3 Interventions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for RtI 1:1 Paraprofessionals | 2.5 |
Best Practices for RtI Classroom Paraprofessionals | 2.5 |
Response to Intervention (RtI) Training for District and School Coordinators
Title | Hours |
RtI District and School Coordinator Certification Training | 5 |
RtI District and School Coordinator Certification Refresher Training | 2.5 |
Best Practices for District and School RtI Coordination | 2.5 |
Best Practices for RtI Data Collection and Analysis | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing Effective Tier 1 Interventions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing Effective Tier 2 Interventions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing Effective Tier 3 Interventions | 2.5 |
When to Refer? Effective Identification and Referral of Students Suspected of Having a Disabling Condition | 2.5 |
Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Training for All Staff
Title | Hours |
General I&RS Training for All Staff | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Making Data-driven Individual I&RS Decisions | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Effective Pre-intervention Plans | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Implementing Effective I&RS Plans | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Making Data-driven I&RS Data Collection and Analysis | 2.5 |
When to Refer? Effective Identification and Referral of Students Suspected of Having a Disabling Condition | 2.5 |
Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Training for District and School Coordinators
Title | Hours |
General I&RS Training for All Staff | 2.5 |
Best Practices for District and School I&RS Coordination | 2.5 |
Best Practices for I&RS Data Collection and Analysis | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing I&RS Pre-referral Plans | 2.5 |
Best Practices for I&RS Case Management | 2.5 |
When to Refer? Effective Identification and Referral of Students Suspected of Having a Disabling Condition | 2.5 |
Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Training
Title | Hours |
Introduction to Multitiered Systems of Support | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Support Coordinator Certification Training | 5 |
Best Practices for Universal Screening | 2.5 |
Systems for Intense Behaviors: Conducting a School-wide Needs Assessment | 2.5 |
Classroom Management Training
Title | Hours |
Introduction to Effective Classroom Management Techniques | 2.5 |
Developing and Maintaining Effective Classroom Management Techniques | 2.5 |
Developing and Implementing Effective Classroom Reward | 2.5 |
Individual Behavior Management Training
Title | Hours |
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Individual Behavioral Supports | 2.5 |
Introduction to Functional Behavior Assessment | 2.5 |
Introduction to Behavior Intervention Plans | 2.5 |
Choosing and Implementing Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions | 2.5 |
Monitoring Student Progress for Behavioral Interventions | 2.5 |
Providing Intensive Intervention using Data-Based Individualization in Behavior Support | 2.5 |
Systems for Intense Behaviors: Conducting a School-wide Needs Assessment | 2.5 |
Differentiated Instruction and Assessment Training
Title | Hours |
Best Practices for Differentiated Instruction | 2.5 |
Best Practices for Differentiated Assessment | 2.5 |
Social-Emotional Training
Title | Hours |
District & School Crisis Response Team Training | 5 |
Meeting the Emotional & Behavioral Needs of Students | 2.5 |
Emotional Care During a Crisis Event | 2.5 |
Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences | 2.5 |
The information contained within this live training and program service is intended to serve as a training resource for school administrators, staff, board of education members, students, parents, and community members in relation to educational issues. The information does not represent a legal opinion and is not intended to describe all applicable requirements contained in any federal or state law, nor to represent the endorsement or approval of any federal or state agency. Please contact your administration or school board attorney to obtain legal advice.
Disclosure of Training Content Sources
The information contained in this live training and program service is from public domain sources including, but not limited to: US Department of Education; New Jersey Department of Education; Centers for Disease Control; National Institutes of Health. It is not the intent of this live training and program service to be deemed as the original source of the information contained within. Any public domain source not listed is an error. The commercial value of this live training and program service is in its design for the purpose of organizing and delivering public domain information in an efficient and convenient manner.