Child Study Team Professional Development
- Best Practices for Child Study Team Management (5 hours)
- Best Practices for Child Find Best Practices for Ensuring FAPE (2.5 hours)
- Best Practices for Developing and Implementing Least Restrictive Environment Programs (5 hours)
- Creating Inclusive Policies and Programs for Students with IEPs (2.5 hours)
- Introduction to Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) (2.5 hours)
- A Comprehensive Review of the IDEA Disability Categories (2.5 hours)
- Best Practices for Facilitating Student-led IEP (2.5 hours)
- Best Practices for Developing IEP Accommodations & Modifications (5 hours)
- Best Practices for Compliant and Effective IEP Meetings (2.5 hours)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Strategies for Setting Data-Driven Behavioral IEP Goals (2.5 hours)
- Protecting the Rights of Students with Disabilities from Discriminatory Suspensions & Expulsions (2.5 hours)
- Transition Planning for Students with Special Needs (2.5 hours)
The information contained within this live training and program service is intended to serve as a training resource for school administrators, staff, board of education members, students, parents, and community members in relation to educational issues. The information does not represent a legal opinion and is not intended to describe all applicable requirements contained in any federal or state law, nor to represent the endorsement or approval of any federal or state agency. Please contact your administration or school board attorney to obtain legal advice.
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The information contained in this live training and program service is from public domain sources including, but not limited to: US Department of Education; New Jersey Department of Education; Centers for Disease Control; National Institutes of Health. It is not the intent of this live training and program service to be deemed as the original source of the information contained within. Any public domain source not listed is an error. The commercial value of this live training and program service is in its design for the purpose of organizing and delivering public domain information in an efficient and convenient manner.